Assisted Living Care

Offering personal care and attention for seniors in their homes or living facilities.


Assisted Living is provided for residents who need more day-to-day assistance than independent living, providing support and assistance residents with daily living and basic care in a homelike or apartment setting.

Our trained caregivers who are already accustomed to working in an assisted living environment provide attention and assistance with medication support, bathing, dressing, cooking and other tasks throughout the day.

Our staff work with outside healthcare providers and monitor our residents and clients to ensure they are healthy. Your loved one will get the care they need while enjoying the quality of life they’ve deserve.

We provide…

  • Assisted Living in Care Homes

  • Assisted Live In Carer In Your Own Home

  • Assisted Living in Retirement Homes

Assisted Living: Wherever You Are.

There are many senior living options available. People often think that the term “assisted living” refers to a nursing home, but that is not always correct. At Plan Life Care, we provide cares that can assist you with this level of care.

Assisted Living Isn’t Living In A Nursing Home

Nursing homes are a special type of residence that’s designed for people who need constant care. Usually, people who stay at a nursing home have a physical disability that requires around-the-clock care.

Assisted living, on the other hand, is perfect for people who want to retain their independence, but need some help with certain daily tasks. Tasks like getting dressed, taking their medications or cooking meals.

Our carers provide well-trained staff on hand to monitor residents and help them in the event of an emergency.

  • Assisted Living Provides Different Levels of Care
  • Some Assisted Living Costs Are Lower Than You Think
  • This Type of Care Is Not Synonymous with Nursing Homes

If you’re interested in financial support options for care, contact us to discuss.