CSCM certification

What does this certification mean?

Here’s why anyone who works with seniors needs the CSCM™ Certification.

CSCMs understand how to build effective relationships with seniors because they have a broad-based knowledge of the health, social and financial issues that are important to seniors, and the dynamics of how these factors work together in seniors’ lives. 

Professionals who choose the CSCM™ Training and Certification option learn what’s important to seniors and how – always – to keep their interests first. In the CSCM™ Course, we teach you about the people you want to do business with. The result is successful professionals and satisfied seniors.

As a CSCM™, you understand the financial, health, and social issues that seniors face.

These are the key factors that converge to fundamentally shape our lives. As a professional in your field, you need to understand how these factors interact so that you can add that knowledge to your existing professional expertise to the benefit of your senior clients.

The CSCM™ certification enables you to better apply your professional knowledge to seniors. This makes your own professional recommendations and referrals far more effective, and makes you a valuable resource to your senior clients.

As a CSCM™, you know how to communicate more effectively with seniors.

That means knowing everything from how to relate to seniors, to understanding why seniors make decisions, to designing senior-friendly communication. Improving communication with seniors is one of the top three reasons professionals give as why they became CSCMs.

