Why did you select [Plan Life Care, LLC] over others? I chose them because of the personal knowledge of the owner.
How likely are you to recommend [Plan Life Care, LLC] to others?
They were somewhat flexible based upon my needs for my mom at the time. They are reasonably priced. The girls I have met are friendly.
How would you rate the impact of the services on your daily life?
There is somebody there in the middle of the day to stimulate her, try to feed her, or give her hydration.
Caregiver Satisfaction
How would you rate your caregivers’ work ethic?
I only met one of the caregivers for more than a few minutes.
How would you rate the ability of your caregivers to provide the care needed?
The caregiver’s skill seems at least average. They were open to my teaching them tricks about my mom.
How would you rate the compassion of your caregivers?
The two caregivers that I met seemed very compassionate. Chrystal was excellent.
Office Staff Satisfaction
How satisfied are you with the communication and overall helpfulness of the office staff?
The office has been very helpful. When I’ve called, they’ve responded in a timely way.
How well are the caregivers matched with your needs and preferences?
I don’t feel I know the caregivers personally well enough to judge that.
What is one thing [Plan Life Care, LLC] could do to improve your satisfaction with their services?
I’ve already talked to them about teaching their staff some of the tricks I’ve learned about my mom that could help them with others of their clients.