Caregiver Feedback formal 3rd Party interviews 3

HCP_interviews (3)

Why did you choose to work for [Plan Life Care, LLC] over other options? My patient that I was taking care of at the time with another company switched to Plan Life Care.
Employment Experience
How likely are you to recommend working for [Plan Life Care, LLC] to an interested friend?
I like the management of this company. They are very respectful of the caregivers. They respect our time and talents, and we are not just another employee to them.
Job Satisfaction
How would you rate the training you’ve received from [Plan Life Care, LLC]?
I had prior experience.

How clearly has [Plan Life Care, LLC] shared the importance of your role and set proper job expectations?
I have a care plan that I follow.
How would you rate your comfort level in voicing your ideas and opinions?
The security and relationship I have with the supervisors and managers makes me feel comfortable.
How would you rate your employer’s recognition of your accomplishments?
They do have job incentives for me, but in this business of healthcare, it is not so much what they do for me, but what I bring to the clients. We are there for the clients, not the other way around.
Office Staff Satisfaction
How would you rate the office support staff and the communication you receive from them?
We just hired a secretary and office manager, who is doing just fine. They help me with everything I need, like forms. They are always there ready and willing to help.
How would you rate your employer’s ability to properly match you with a client?
They look at my ability, work history, and prior experience when matching me with clients.
What’s one thing [Plan Life Care, LLC] could do to improve your job satisfaction?
Plan Life Care needs to just keep going with what they are doing and adding more clients with the company.
